Meeting communications strategy with industry expertise

Red Fan is a team of senior advisers, brand strategists, media relations professionals, content writers and domain experts built to achieve a singular goal: Give brands the communications strategies and tools they need to drive business value.

Our team brings decades of combined C-suite experience with corporate and agency titans, including IBM, JPMorgan Chase, Gartner, Bloomberg, National Geographic, Credit Suisse, Moody’s Ketchum, Peppercom, Ruder Finn, Fill+Knowlton Strategies, and FleishmanHillard. We specialize in strategic communications for brands in disruptive tech verticals such as financial services and technology, healthtech, education, insurance, proptech and real estate, agriculture, and supply chain, as well as high-growth industries, including cannabis, sustainability and clean energy, among others.

Kathleen Lucente

CEO and Founder

Emma Chase

Director of Client Services

Andrea Zack

Director of Client Relations

Matt Beezley

Senior Strategist

Haley Cressler

Senior Marketing and Operations Manager

Hope Sander

Senior Associate

Tom Garone

Business Development Associate

Jill Neuhaus

Administrative Assistant

Blair Morrison

Fractional CFO

Robin Schaffer

Analyst Relations

Bill Robbins

Senior PR and Content Consultant

Jed Jones

Data Scientist

Stephanie Trusler

Accounts Receivable

Glenn Mandel

Senior Strategist


Chief Entertainment Officer

Trusted advisors for every stage of a brand’s growth.

We partner with brands that have a diverse range of communications needs that map back to one strategic goal: Drive value.

